When my m-i-law told
about ridge gourd skin chutney; I was completely surprise; but after tasting
the chutney prepared by m-i-law; I was wonder stuck since it came out
sooooooooo good that I could not resist eating up chutney with dosa,chapati and rice.
Ridge gourd, health benefits include; due to the presence of high
content of dietary fiber, water, low saturated fats, and zero cholesterol, it
is an ideal source of vegetable for the people who want to lose weight. As it
also provides low calories, it helps to weight loss. Ridge gourd aids to
regulate blood glucose levels, improves metabolism, reduces glucose levels in urine,
stabilizes insulin levels in the blood, and prevents diabetes. So today, have a
recipe of ridge gourd skin.
Peel the skin of ridge gourd and keep aside
Roast groundnut and sesame seed separately ;remove the skin of groundnut
Crush roasted groundnut and til together
Add ridge gourd skin ,greenchillies, garlic and salt
Crush all together
Crush all together
Heat oil add zeera
Add crushed ridge gourd mixture
Fry till it become dry
Serve with rotis or with rice.